Capitol Updates

The Senate Transportation Committee hears a presentation on Port MacKenzie

The Legislative Budget & Audit Committee hears a presentation from the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation

The 34th Alaska State Legislature Convenes

The 33rd Alaska State Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

The sun shines in Alaska's State Capitol

HB148 is presented to the Senate Finance Committee

U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola delivers her annual address to the joint legislative body

Senator Dan Sullivan delivers his annual address to the joint legislative body

Senator Lisa Murkowski delivers her annual address to the joint legislative body

Alaska Supreme Court’s Chief Justice Peter Maassen delivers his State of the Judiciary to the joint legislative body

House Finance hears a presentation from the Permanent Fund Corporation

Thomas Baker is sworn into the Alaska State Legislature.

The first session of the 33rd Alaska Legislature has adjourned
Governor Dunleavy has called the 33rd Legislature into special session. Please view the proclamation under the Popular Column.
Governor Dunleavy has called the 33rd Legislature into special session. Please view the proclamation under the Popular Column.
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski addresses the Joint Legislative Body.
U.S. Representative Mary Peltola addresses the Joint Legislative Body.

Chief Justice Daniel E. Winfree addresses the joint legislative body on the state of the Judiciary address.

Governor Dunleavy delivers the State of the State address.
Representatives Foster, McCormick, Edgmon, and Patkotak are sworn in on the first day of the legislative session.

The 33rd Alaska State Legislature will convene on January 17th, 2023

The 32nd Alaska State Legislature has adjourned Sine Die

U.S. Senator Sullivan addresses the Joint Legislative Body

U.S. Senator Murkowski addresses the Joint Legislative Body

Chief Justice Daniel E. Winfree delivers the State of the Judiciary Address to the joint legislative body.

Governor Dunleavy delivers the 2022 State of the State Address

2022 Second Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column

2022 First Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column

Winter is here in the Capital City

Winter approaches the Capital City
Governor Dunleavy calls the Legislature into a Fourth Special Session

The 2nd Special Session of the 32nd Alaska State Legislature has adjourned Sine Die

Governor Dunleavy calls the Legislature into a second Special Session
Governor Dunleavy calls the Legislature into Special Session
Representative Louise Stutes has been elected Speaker of the House
Representative Josiah Patkotak has been elected House Speaker Pro Tem
Sen. Peter Micciche has been officially named Senate President.

2021 Second Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column

The sun shines on downtown Juneau

Senators Giessel, Bishop, and Kiehl listen to a presentation from the Dept. of Natural Resources: Mining, Land & Water

Representative Mike Prax is congratulated by Speaker of the House Rep. Edgmon after being sworn in to the House of Representatives

The House Resources Committee listens to public testimony on HB 137

Senator Lisa Murkowski delivers her annual address to the Joint Legislative Body

Chief Justice Bolger gives the State of the Judiciary address to the joint legislative body

The Senate Education Committee holds A School District Legislative Fly-In session

The House Finance Committee listens to a presentation on the Dept. of Health & Social Services budget

Gov. Dunleavy delivers the State of the State address

The House of Representatives convenes the 2nd regular session of the 31st Alaska State Legislature

A snow storm covers the Capital City before the start of the 31st Legislative Session

Sunny skies make their return to the Capital City

The sun shines on construction crews as they refinish the front pillars of the Capitol Building

Governor issues supplemental proclamation expanding scope of 2nd Special Session.

Governor Michael J. Dunleavy calls the Alaska Legislature into a second special session.

Governor Michael J. Dunleavy calls Alaska Legislature into special session.

The House Labor & Commerce Committee listens to public testimony on HB24

The Senate Finance Committee hears public testimony on SB23

Representatives Fields and Shaw speak to the House Finance Committee on HB96

The Senate Judiciary Committee passes SB80 out of the committee

The Senate Finance Committee hears public testimony on SB20

The House Health & Social Services Committee has a joint meeting with the House State Affairs Committee

Senator Kawasaki speaks to the committee after listening to a presentation by the Office of Management and Budget

The Senate Labor & Commerce Committee listen to a presentation on Health Care & Alaska's Economy

Rep. Spohnholz speaks with the Facing Foster Care in Alaska (FFCA) organization during a lunch and learn presentation at the State Capitol.

The House Transportation Committee takes public testimony regarding the Alaska Marine Highway System

Members of the House Labor & Commerce Committee give consideration to the Governor's appointees to the Marijuana Control Board

The Alaska Office of Management and Budget gives a presentation to the House Fish & Game Finance Subcommittee

Senator Dan Sullivan visits Juneau and addresses a joint session of the Legislature

Chief Justice Joel Bolger gives the State of the Judiciary address to a joint legislative session

Senator Lisa Murkowski visits Juneau and addresses a joint session of the Legislature

Senators Costello & Stevens listen to Senator Begich comment on SB30

Representatives Hannan & LeBon listen to a presentation on the Alaska Marine Highway System

Chair Senator Stedman addresses presenters from the Office of Management and Budget

Gov. Dunleavy addresses the legislative body during the annual State of the State address

Senators Costello, Birch, Micciche, Hoffman, & Kiehl are sworn in during the first day of session

Snow hit the Capital City before the start of the 31st Legislative Session