Capitol Updates

03/11/25 - Senate Transportation Committee
The Senate Transportation Committee hears a presentation on Port MacKenzie
03/04/25 - Legislative Budget & Audit Committee
The Legislative Budget & Audit Committee hears a presentation from the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation
01/21/25 - Alaska State Capitol
The 34th Alaska State Legislature Convenes
05/16/24 - Alaska State Capitol
The 33rd Alaska State Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
03/19/24 - Alaska State Capitol
The sun shines in Alaska's State Capitol
03/14/24 - Senate Finance Committee
HB148 is presented to the Senate Finance Committee
02/26/24 - U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola's Annual Address
U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola delivers her annual address to the joint legislative body
02/21/24 - Senator Dan Sullivan's Annual Address
Senator Dan Sullivan delivers his annual address to the joint legislative body
02/15/24 - Senator Lisa Murkowski's Annual Address
Senator Lisa Murkowski delivers her annual address to the joint legislative body
02/07/24 - State of Judicary
Alaska Supreme Court’s Chief Justice Peter Maassen delivers his State of the Judiciary to the joint legislative body
01/26/24 - House Finance
House Finance hears a presentation from the Permanent Fund Corporation
11/16/23 - Swearing-in ceremony
Thomas Baker is sworn into the Alaska State Legislature.
05/19/23 - 33rd Alaska State Legislature
The first session of the 33rd Alaska Legislature has adjourned
05/18/23 - 33rd Legislature Special Session
Governor Dunleavy has called the 33rd Legislature into special session. Please view the proclamation under the Popular Column.
05/17/23 - 33rd Legislature Special Session
Governor Dunleavy has called the 33rd Legislature into special session. Please view the proclamation under the Popular Column.
02/17/23 - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski's Address
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski addresses the Joint Legislative Body.
02/17/23 - U.S. Representative Peltola's Address
U.S. Representative Mary Peltola addresses the Joint Legislative Body.
02/01/23 - State of the Judiciary Address
Chief Justice Daniel E. Winfree addresses the joint legislative body on the state of the Judiciary address.
01/23/23 - State of the State
Governor Dunleavy delivers the State of the State address.
01/17/23 - The 33rd Alaska State Legislature
Representatives Foster, McCormick, Edgmon, and Patkotak are sworn in on the first day of the legislative session.
01/09/23 - Alaska State Legislature
The 33rd Alaska State Legislature will convene on January 17th, 2023
05/19/22 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
The 32nd Alaska State Legislature has adjourned Sine Die
04/19/22 - U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan
U.S. Senator Sullivan addresses the Joint Legislative Body
02/22/22 - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
U.S. Senator Murkowski addresses the Joint Legislative Body
02/09/22 - State of the Judiciary Address
Chief Justice Daniel E. Winfree delivers the State of the Judiciary Address to the joint legislative body.
01/25/22 - State of the State
Governor Dunleavy delivers the 2022 State of the State Address
01/14/22 - 2022 Prefiles, Second Release
2022 Second Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column
01/07/22 - 2022 Prefiles, First Release
2022 First Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column
12/22/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Winter is here in the Capital City
11/09/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Winter approaches the Capital City
06/28/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
The 2nd Special Session of the 32nd Alaska State Legislature has adjourned Sine Die
05/20/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Governor Dunleavy calls the Legislature into Special Session
02/11/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Representative Louise Stutes has been elected Speaker of the House
02/04/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Representative Josiah Patkotak has been elected House Speaker Pro Tem
01/19/21 - 32nd Alaska State Legislature
Sen. Peter Micciche has been officially named Senate President.
01/15/21 - 2021 Prefiles, Second Release
2021 Second Release of Prefile Bills and Resolutions are available under the Popular Column
09/16/20 - Sunny Day in the Capital City
The sun shines on downtown Juneau
03/05/20 - Senate Natural Resources Committee
Senators Giessel, Bishop, and Kiehl listen to a presentation from the Dept. of Natural Resources: Mining, Land & Water
02/24/20 - Swearing In
Representative Mike Prax is congratulated by Speaker of the House Rep. Edgmon after being sworn in to the House of Representatives
02/21/20 - House Resources Committee
The House Resources Committee listens to public testimony on HB 137
02/18/20 - Senator Murkowski
Senator Lisa Murkowski delivers her annual address to the Joint Legislative Body
02/12/20 - State of the Judiciary
Chief Justice Bolger gives the State of the Judiciary address to the joint legislative body
02/10/20 - Senate Education Committee
The Senate Education Committee holds A School District Legislative Fly-In session
02/03/20 - House Finance Committee
The House Finance Committee listens to a presentation on the Dept. of Health & Social Services budget
01/27/20 - State of the State
Gov. Dunleavy delivers the State of the State address
01/21/20 - 31st Legislative Session
The House of Representatives convenes the 2nd regular session of the 31st Alaska State Legislature
01/09/20 - Capitol Building
A snow storm covers the Capital City before the start of the 31st Legislative Session
11/26/19 - Capitol Building
Sunny skies make their return to the Capital City
08/07/19 - Capitol Building
The sun shines on construction crews as they refinish the front pillars of the Capitol Building
07/17/19 - First Supplemental Proclamation
Governor issues supplemental proclamation expanding scope of 2nd Special Session.
06/13/19 - Executive Proclamation
Governor Michael J. Dunleavy calls the Alaska Legislature into a second special session.
05/21/19 - Executive Proclamation
Governor Michael J. Dunleavy calls Alaska Legislature into special session.
05/14/19 - House Labor & Commerce
The House Labor & Commerce Committee listens to public testimony on HB24
05/08/19 - Senate Finance Committee
The Senate Finance Committee hears public testimony on SB23
04/29/19 - House Finance Committee
Representatives Fields and Shaw speak to the House Finance Committee on HB96
04/24/19 - Senate Judiciary Committee
The Senate Judiciary Committee passes SB80 out of the committee
04/11/19 - Senate Finance Committee
The Senate Finance Committee hears public testimony on SB20
04/02/19 - House Health & Social Services Committee
The House Health & Social Services Committee has a joint meeting with the House State Affairs Committee
03/26/19 - Senate State Affairs Committee
Senator Kawasaki speaks to the committee after listening to a presentation by the Office of Management and Budget
03/19/19 - Senate Labor & Commerce Committee
The Senate Labor & Commerce Committee listen to a presentation on Health Care & Alaska's Economy
03/14/19 - Facing Foster Care in Alaska
Rep. Spohnholz speaks with the Facing Foster Care in Alaska (FFCA) organization during a lunch and learn presentation at the State Capitol.
03/12/19 - House Transportation Committee
The House Transportation Committee takes public testimony regarding the Alaska Marine Highway System
03/06/19 - House Labor & Commerce Committee
Members of the House Labor & Commerce Committee give consideration to the Governor's appointees to the Marijuana Control Board
03/05/19 - House Dept. of Fish & Game Finance Subcommittee
The Alaska Office of Management and Budget gives a presentation to the House Fish & Game Finance Subcommittee
02/21/19 - Sen. Sullivans's annual address
Senator Dan Sullivan visits Juneau and addresses a joint session of the Legislature
02/20/19 - State of the Judiciary
Chief Justice Joel Bolger gives the State of the Judiciary address to a joint legislative session
02/19/19 - Sen. Murkowski's annual address
Senator Lisa Murkowski visits Juneau and addresses a joint session of the Legislature
02/12/19 - Senate Education Committee
Senators Costello & Stevens listen to Senator Begich comment on SB30
02/05/19 - House Meeting
Representatives Hannan & LeBon listen to a presentation on the Alaska Marine Highway System
01/29/19 - Senate Finance Committee
Chair Senator Stedman addresses presenters from the Office of Management and Budget
01/22/19 - State of the State
Gov. Dunleavy addresses the legislative body during the annual State of the State address
01/15/19 - 31st Legislative Session
Senators Costello, Birch, Micciche, Hoffman, & Kiehl are sworn in during the first day of session
01/14/19 - Snow in the Capital City
Snow hit the Capital City before the start of the 31st Legislative Session